The Hotbox Sulfume sulphur evaporator

The Hotbox Sulfume sulphur evaporator has set the standard so high that the word ‘Sulfume’ has become an *Eponym for all sulphur evaporators.  Do not be fooled –...
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The Hotbox Sulfume sulphur evaporator

The Hotbox Sulfume sulphur evaporator


The Hotbox Sulfume sulphur evaporator


The Hotbox Sulfume sulphur evaporator has set the standard so high that the word ‘Sulfume’ has become an *Eponym for all sulphur evaporators. 

Do not be fooled – all sulphur evaporators are not Hotbox Sulfume’s.

*Eponym: A brand name like Hoover which gives its name to an activity or product)

Unique temperature control – cannot overheat the sulphur to create damaging oxides, releases ONLY pure sulphur 

Regulated element – makes combustion impossible, eliminates the risk of fire and makes the Sulfume the safest on the market 

Energy efficient – the lowest energy consuming sulphur evaporator available

Flexible voltage – can work on any supply from 110V to 250V, with no loss of performance in low voltage areas

Manufactured in high quality materials – to ensure durability

Ideal for roses, strawberries, begonias, saint paulia, tomatoes, peppers and gerbera


By using a uniform shaped cup, positioned accurately within the centre of the Sulfume cylinder, distribution is ensured through the natural funnel effect. One Sulfume is capable of treating between 100 – 1000m² Up to 100 Sulfumes may be needed per hectare depending on the crop and severity of fungal problems.

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